Conceded, finally

Finally, after so much procrastination I have made a blog. I still am not sure how this thing works and if I am capable of maintaining it considering my laziness, at everything.

I decided to make one while sorting out my MacBook over the weekend and found tons of interesting photos – mostly street photography I have taken ever since I got a camera and started traveling. So I thought ‘why not’? Let’s give this thing called travel blogging a shot!

I hope to make this space as a kind of travel journal of where I have been during the course of my ‘adulting’ before I finally decide to get my sh*t together in the near (oh god, please no) future.

PS: This is the longest  I have ever written since after graduating uni. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if this would also be the last one knowing my lazy, inconsistent self. Nevertheless, let’s make it work (for now).

Thoughts on this?